
Napping with Girl Scout Samoas: Ice-Cream #12

I was a member of Girl Scout Troop 73 for almost 8 years. During my time as a Brownie and, later, a Scout, I earned badges, attended Girl Scout sleep-away camp and sold cookies. I remember loving being a Girl Scout, especially the part about selling the famous cookies. Of all Girl Scout Cookies, Caramel Delights, or Samoas as they are now known, are my favorite. To honor these, as well as my cousin-in-law Kate Uber, I've created this ice-cream flavor. I think all current and former Scouts will appreciate it.

Naptime's Samoa Ice-Cream
2 c. heavy cream
1 c. whole milk
3/4 c. granulated sugar
5 large egg yolks
Pinch of salt
3 squares bittersweet chocolate
8 tea cookies, broken into small pieces
1/3 c. sweetened shredded coconut
1/3 c. caramel

1. Coarsely chop tea cookies, add to a cup with shredded coconut, then place in the freezer. Place caramel sauce in the refrigerator.

2. Bring whole milk, and heavy cream to a boil in a large saucepan. In a microwave melt the chocolate squares and set aside to cool. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg together with the sugar and salt, until thick and well mixed. Add melted chocolate to egg mixture and mix until well incorporated. Once the liquid has come to a boil, lower light, and add a scant half a cup of liquid into the egg mixture to temper the eggs. Gradually add the remaining hot liquid into the egg/sugar mixture, while continuing to stir. Once all liquid has been added, mix well. Pour the incorporated mixture back into the saucepan and cook over a medium low heat, stirring continuously. Do not let mixture come to a boil!

3. Once custard thickens (enough to coat the back of the spoon), remove pan from heat and pour over a strainer into a heatproof bowl. Refrigerate the custard for 4-6 hours, or overnight.

4. Scrape the chilled custard into your ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions. By hand, add the tea cookies and coconut, and mix to incorporate throughout frozen custard. As you remove the ice-cream from the machine layer in the caramel sauce in swirls throughout. Pack ice cream into a container and freeze for a minimum of 2 hours. Note: if you freeze the ice cream for a night before use, ice cream will be very dense. Remove 10-15 minutes before you wish to serve


  1. Cousin-in-law Kate Uber :)August 12, 2009 at 10:07 AM

    Yummmmy!!! I am going to have to make this when I get back from California. Thanks for putting my idea to work!

  2. This recipe is reason enough for me to march to the store and buy an ice cream maker! I loved Girl Scouts...
    Thanks for the great recipe!
